Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

  • Three Things You Should Know About Virtual Visitation

    In most states, child visitation is no longer restricted to physical visits to interact with the child. Virtual visitation allows you to communicate and interact with your child even when apart. Here are three important things you should know about virtual visitation: Many Have Been Doing It without Knowing When people hear of virtual visitation, they have in mind video conferences (think Skype), but it isn't always that sophisticated. Legally speaking, any mode of communication or interaction that takes place in an electronic medium, qualifies for this designation.

  • Remain Calm And Collected Prior To A Theft Charge Court Hearing And Increase Your Chance Of Receiving Favorable Results

    If you were recently let out of jail on bail for a theft charge that you were not responsible for, you may feel as if your life is unraveling at the seams and that you will be faced with serious repercussions. The following tips may help you keep your cool during this trying time and receive favorable results when you face a judge on your court date. Confide Solely In Your Attorney

  • Protect Your Business From A Personal Injury Suit

    As a small business owner, you might fall victim to a personal injury suit. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of a few ways you can protect yourself, your employees, and your business as a whole from a personal injury suit. Streamline Communications One of the easiest ways to go about taking preventative measures against personal injury suits is to streamline communications between members of your staff and their supervisors.

  • The Kids Are Alright: Keeping The Kids Together In A Stepparent Divorce

    Coming together as a blended family can start out rough, but is very rewarding when things smooth out. Unfortunately, there are times when things aren't working out for the parents in a blended family. If both of you came into the marriage with children or if someone came into the marriage or if you had children together plus children from first marriages, the custodial arrangements can be hard on the kids.

  • Can You File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

    A wrongful death suit is a matter filed in a civil court when someone dies because of another person's actions. It is not the same as a criminal case. The outcome is not the potential of jail or other punishment but rather a monetary award intended to provide restitution and financial help to the people who were left behind. Do you have a basis for a wrongful death lawsuit? Ask yourself these questions.

About Me

Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

I am a real estate attorney, and I have been helping clients buy and sell property for many years. Some clients do not realize their legal obligations and options when it comes to purchasing or selling a house or land. I hope that this blog will be a way for people to get information about legal issues in real estate and what they need to know when doing business. Buying and selling property can be complicated, and all parties involved have legal obligations. Know what is expected of you, and you will be able to get the best out of your real estate transactions.