Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

  • How To Receive Your Security Deposit Back After Your Landlord Disappears

    In most cases, after you have left your apartment, you will be able to contact your landlord to have your security deposit returned. However, on rare occasions, such as if the landlord loses your property to foreclosure or your rental is destroyed for a reason that is beyond your control, you may then discover that you are not able to have your security deposit returned to you. Locating Your Landlord

  • 4 Things You Should Tell Your Attorney About Immediately When Going Through A Divorce

    The divorce process can be lengthy in some cases. While you are going through your divorce, it is important to stay in contact with your attorney. For example, if you find yourself in any of the following situations while you're going through your divorce, you will definitely want to let your attorney know about what is going on. 1. You're Thinking About Reconciling With Your Spouse If you and your spouse have been talking about reconciliation, then your attorney will need to know about it.

  • Ready to Sell Your Old Home to a Friend? Call a Real Estate Closing Lawyer to Save Money

    If you are building a new home, your builder that manages all the paperwork, you want to sell your home, and you already know people that want to buy it, then skip using a realtor. This can save you and the buyer money and time. You can instead have a quick and stressless sale when you use a real estate closing lawyer to manage the sale of your home, and you can just pay them the fee for their services instead of a portion of the sale.

  • 3 Great Insights To Remember When Working With A Car Accident Attorney

    If you're hit by another driver and plan on suing them for compensation, you'll need help from a car accident attorney. They can take you through these legal proceedings in an effective manner. Everything will go smoothly if you work with this attorney in the following ways. Hand Over Evidence After the car accident, you may have actually captured some forms of evidence. It may be pictures of both damaged vehicles, or you may have even gotten names of witnesses that saw the whole accident unfold.

  • Tips For Addressing Your Car Accident Legal Matters

    Not only do more than 2 million people get hurt in car crashes each year -- studies show that each driver will file some sort of an accident claim at least once every 18 years or so. The reality is that car accidents are both dangerous and a part of life. In order to deal with the fallout of a car accident, you need to have your legal matters in order.

  • About Me

    Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

    I am a real estate attorney, and I have been helping clients buy and sell property for many years. Some clients do not realize their legal obligations and options when it comes to purchasing or selling a house or land. I hope that this blog will be a way for people to get information about legal issues in real estate and what they need to know when doing business. Buying and selling property can be complicated, and all parties involved have legal obligations. Know what is expected of you, and you will be able to get the best out of your real estate transactions.