Getting injured at work is something that can happen to anyone at any time, and filing for workers compensation can prove to be a challenging endeavor. If you've been injured on the job and your employer isn't fighting your claim at all, you may feel like you don't need to do anything further to have your claim approved. But, getting a workers compensation attorney even when everything is going smoothly just may be the wisest thing you've done, and here are a few reasons why.
Your claim can turn at any time
It can take weeks for your workers compensation claim to be approved, which gives your employer, their lawyers, and their insurance company plenty of time to look for missing or misleading information that can cause your funds to be denied or stalled. After all, it's in your employer's best interest to prove that you don't deserve compensation for your injury rather than to pay money to an employee who isn't actively working. Having a workers compensation attorney by your side to proofread your claim before submission is a great way to fix any possible mistakes and have legal aid in case your claim gets randomly challenged.
Your lawyer can provide valid insight
Workers compensation attorneys specialize in helping people who have been injured at or because of work get the financial care they need. This means your own attorney may know exactly what angle you need to take to best prove your case by gathering doctor's information, more detailed background on key witnesses to your injury, and even going over the employee handbook where you work to seek contract information that can better work in your favor. The insight you can gather from your attorney as you build your claim can be invaluable to helping you win.
Your attorney can fight your denial quickly
Despite clear evidence and the best efforts, your claim can still be initially denied. When you receive that letter, you can feel devastated, but your attorney will use it as fuel to appeal your case and get you the money you deserve. Having someone on your side in the event of an actual denial can help you feel better about your case and actually improve your chances that the denial will be overturned.
In short, if you are filing a workers compensation claim, it's always wise to have legal counsel by your side. An attorney who specializes in your kind of case can help you get the funds you need quickly, since you never know how things will turn out even if your employer isn't fighting your claim. For more information, contact local professionals like Lovett Schefrin Harnett.
I am a real estate attorney, and I have been helping clients buy and sell property for many years. Some clients do not realize their legal obligations and options when it comes to purchasing or selling a house or land. I hope that this blog will be a way for people to get information about legal issues in real estate and what they need to know when doing business. Buying and selling property can be complicated, and all parties involved have legal obligations. Know what is expected of you, and you will be able to get the best out of your real estate transactions.